01685 723970 / 01443 554742
138 High Street, Merthyr, CF47 8DN

Registering a death

If you need assistance to register a death, call K D Crandon & Son Independent Funeral Directors & Monumental Masons now. We serve Merthyr Tydfil.

For assistance with registering a death, call us now on
01685 723 970 or 01443 554 742.
We serve Merthyr Tydfil.


When to register a death?

A death in England or Wales needs to be registered within five days. A relative of the deceased, anyone present at the death or an executor or administrator of the deceased’s estate can register the death. In cases where the death is reported to the coroner, the procedure is different.

Get in touch with K D Crandon & Son Independent Funeral Directors & Monumental Masons for more details. We can also provide advice and help you obtain probate, if required.


What does the registrar need to know?

– The full name of the person who has died
– Date and place of death
– Home address (take a utility bill as proof)
– Date and place of birth
– Occupation
– Details of any pension or public benefits
– Date of birth of surviving spouse (if appropriate)

The registrar also requires a medical certificate from a hospital, birth certificate and any marriage or civil partnership certificate.